LXLSC 2023-2024 Board
The Laughlin Spouses' Club Board of Directors is comprised of 100% volunteers and appointees. If you are interested in becoming a part of the board for the 2024-2025 board year, please contact us!
Board Members are asked to attend monthly board meetings, monthly socials and volunteer at the Thrift Shop if able. You can see the 2023 bylaws here.

LXLSC Executive Board
Mimi Casey
Presides at all meetings of the Board, Executive Board, and General Membership
Acts as Laughlin Spouses’ Club representative during different community meetings
Serves on the following committees: Budget, Scholarship, Social and Thrift Shop
Liaison to Wing Leadership, squadrons, and other base organizations.
Maintains good standing with 47th FSS Private Org Representative
Maintains Insurance
Supervises and manages to ensure the orderly operation of the LXLSC
Enforces Constitution and Bylaws as well as rules, regulations and conventions of the LXLSC
Coordinate with both treasurers and ensure all quarterly and annual reviews and 990Ns are submitted to the IRS.
Social Vice President:
Abby Germain
Performs the duties of the President and Vice President in his/her absence and may succeed the presidency if at any time the President is unable to complete the full term of office
Supervises all social activities and supporting committees
Assumes the duties of the social committee chair in the absence of one
Serves on the following committees: Budget, Social
Welfare Vice President:
Lauren Moschell
Performs the duties of the President and Vice President in his/her absence; may succeed the presidency if at any time the President is unable to complete the full term of office and in the absence of First VP
Supervises all welfare activities and supporting committees
Assumes the duties of the welfare committee chair in the absence of one
Serves on the following committees: Budget, Scholarship, Thrift Shop
Madison Gewecke-Kreutz
Records and signs the minutes of all regular and executive board, and general membership, submits to 47th FSS Representative
Serves as the custodian of the Laughlin Spouses’ Club permanent records, with the exception of records pertaining to finance
Records and processes all Laughlin Spouses’ Club correspondence
In absence of a membership chair, coordinates with the social treasurer to keep the membership roster and email distribution list updated
Charitable Treasurer:
Megan Sutton
Is responsible for all financial affairs for the Laughlin Spouses’ Club welfare fund
With the social treasurer, is responsible for the filing of an annual income tax return
Ensures financial records of the welfare fund are maintained in accordance with AFI regulations
Serves on the following committees: budget, scholarship, welfare and Thrift Shop.
Operational Treasurer:
Laura Cherry
Is responsible for all financial affairs of the Laughlin Spouses’ Club social operating fund
With the welfare treasurer, is responsible for the filing of the annual income tax return
Ensures financial records of the social operating fund are maintained in accordance with the AFI regulations
Serves on the following committees: budget, and Thrift Shop in the absence of Welfare Treasurer
Jordan Dashler
Acts in a non-voting advisory capacity and attends all board, executive board, and general membership meetings
Acts as a liaison with FSS